Повна юридична назва: Фундація Громадський Рух „Українці проти туберкульозу”
Вид діяльності : Громадське об’єднання соціального захисту.
Юридичний законний статус: Всеукраїнська благодійна організація.
Територія на яку поширюється діяльність об’єднання: Україна.
Телефон/факс: (+38-044) 270-44-52; телефон: (+38 044) 273-30-97
WEB-site: www.www.stoptb.org.ua
Е-mail: stoptb@ukr.net; stoptb@ukrpost.ua
Керівництво організації:
Голова Правління – Руденко Віталій Володимирович.
Керівник медичного напрямку – заступник голови Правління – Горбасенко Ігор Михайлович.
Директор – Міхєєв Віктор Олексійович.
Директор програм – керівник Ресурсного центру Булищенко Андрій Юрійович.
Стислий опис діяльності: Фундація „Громадський Рух „Українці проти туберкульозу” заснована 16 травня 2000 року. Основною метою діяльності Фундації є сприяння боротьбі з епідемією туберкульозу в Україні, невідкладне та всеохоплююче підвищення санітарної обізнаності населення. Організація зараз нараховує більш як 5 тисяч активних членів. Із короткою інформацією про напрями нашої діяльності Ви можете ознайомитись за цим посиланням.
as regards the activities of the Public Movement
“The Ukrainians against Tuberculosis” Foundation
Full legal name: The Public Movement “The Ukrainians against Tuberculosis” Foundation
Type of activity: Public association of social protection.
Legal position: All-Ukrainian charitable organization.
The territory to which the activity of the association spreads: Ukraine.
Official address: 03110, Kyiv, 12a Ozerna Street (POB 101), t./f. (044) 270-44-52, t. (044) 273-30-97
Management of the organization:
Head of the Board – Rudenko Vitaliy Volodymyrovych, mob. 8-050-107-14-72.
Head of the Medical Sector – Deputy Head of the Board – Horbasenko Ihor Mykhailovych, mob. 8-095-315-16-96.
Director – Mikheyev Viktor Oleksiyovych, mob. 8-050-199-66-85.
Deputy Administrator – Program Director – Bulyshchenko Andriy Yuriyovych, mob. 8-050-912-65-09.
Web-site: www.www.stoptb.org.ua; Е-mail: stoptb@ukr.net , stoptb@ukrpost.ua
The Public Movement “The Ukrainians against Tuberculosis” Foundation was founded on the 16th of May, 2000. The strategic objective of the Public Movement is promotion of fight against tuberculosis epidemic in Ukraine, urgent and overall growth of sanitary awareness of Ukrainians. The organization numbers more than 5 thousand of active members. Members of the Board of the Foundation are members of the Coordination Council of the Country on Tuberculosis Control and the Council on Coordination Activities connected with provision of consultations with the community on the issues of public policy-making and realization in the sphere of health protection under the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
Coordinators of the Foundation in the regions of Ukraine are, as a rule, heads of regional TB dispensaries. The out-of-staff coordinator of the Foundation on scientific issues is the Deputy Director of the Institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology named after F.G. Yanovsky of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Professor V.M.Melnyk.
The activity of the Foundation is realized according to the following directions:
• Public control of the authorities’ activity in the sphere of health protection of Ukraine.
• Antituberculosis information-educational work among the population of Ukraine.
• Work on improvement of legislation of Ukraine in the sphere of health protection.
• Promotion of increase in the social status of phthisiology workers in the environment of tuberculosis epidemic in Ukraine.
• Support of development of applied phthisiology science.
• Support for students of medical higher educational establishments who have obtained the profession of a phthisiatrician.
• Assistance to mass media in coverage of antituberculosis subject matter.
• Granting of humanitarian aid to establishments of health protection, orphanages, and etc.
These are the key directions of work, but the Public Movements does not limit itself to these only. The Foundation realizes active work on HIV/AIDS prophylaxis among the population, promotes raising of phthisiology knowledge of doctors belonging to the general medical profile with active participation of the specialists of the Institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology named after F.G. Yanovsky of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine and leading specialists of Ukraine in the sphere of phthisiology.
The Foundation takes all the accessible measures necessary for overcoming of the horrible disease – tuberculosis.
For this purpose attention is paid to activation of collaboration with parliamentarians of Ukraine, governmental structures and other bodies of the executive power, governing bodies and establishments of Health Protection, international organizations, mass media, non-governmental public organizations.
The Public Movement “The Ukrainians against Tuberculosis” Foundation performs its activity in accordance with the current joint programs.
– With the Cabinet of Ministers of the AR of Crimea, Vinnytsya, Zhytomyr, Luhansk, Kyiv Oblast Public Administrations, Kherson City Council, and etc.
– With the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science, the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine, the State Committee of Ukraine for matters of Nationalities and Migration, the State Center of Social Services for Youth, “Ukrzalisnytsya”, the Institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, The Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Ukraine, the Association of Trade Unions of Student Organizations of Ukraine, the Institute of Psychology and other organizations.
According to the Programs, the Public Movement develops information-instructive materials for provision of all the regions of Ukraine, organizes and establishes information “health stands”, performs information-instructive activity through the mass media, organizes actions and days of fighting against tuberculosis, performs work by way of movable photofluorographic units on monitoring of tuberculosis sickness rate in the oblasts of Ukraine, supports domestic applied scientific developments of antituberculosis orientation, holds conferences and round tables with participation of leading phthisiatricians, statesmen and community. Special attention deserves the program “Childhood without Tuberculosis” which is realized on the territory of Kyiv Oblast and the All-Ukrainian program “Caution – tuberculosis’.
In the environment of tuberculosis epidemic in Ukraine the Public Movement established and announced through the mass media annual journalists awards for the best series of reporting in this regard for tele-, radio and printed mass media.
Also, for the purpose of support of domestic scientific efforts there were established and announced in the mass media annual name awards for the best scientific work in the sphere of applied phthisiology named after Prof. Yanovsky and applied phthisiosurgery named after Prof. Horovenko.
The Public Movement “The Ukrainians against Tuberculosis” Foundation made significant efforts for initiation of parliamentary hearings “Tuberculosis epidemic in Ukraine and ways of its overcoming” dated 19.05.2003, took active part as members of the commission on their preparation and conduct, and reported in the Parliament of Ukraine a series of specific proposals as regards the changes of legislation on these issues.
On the initiative of the Public Movement “The Ukrainians against Tuberculosis” Foundation as stated in the decree of the President of Ukraine dated the 22nd of March, 2002, No 290/2002, the National Ukrainian Day of fighting against tuberculosis is established.
The Foundation fruitfully collaborates with international and national organizations of other countries. Thus, for example, in connection with the invitation of the WHO Bureau in Ukraine on fighting against tuberculosis, to the international conferences in 2004 “TB/HIV in Ukraine: problems and ways of their solving” in the city of Donetsk, Ukraine, the Public Movement made a report on experience of work on tuberculosis epidemic control in Ukraine.
Jointly with the Canadian Fund functioning under the Embassy of Canada in Ukraine, on the basis of the Head Military Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine the project “Rise of level of legal and sanitary awareness of servicemen of involuntary service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the environment of tuberculosis epidemic in Ukraine”, as well as dedicated to the National Day of fighting against tuberculosis with the assistance of Kyiv Union of artists of Ukraine the cultural-art program “Ukraine. Health. Spring” was realized. Jointly with the organization of the Red Cross and Red Crescent the program “Childhood without tuberculosis” was introduced.
Moreover, one of the statutory tasks of the Foundation is concern about cultural heritage of Ukraine. Within the framework of the given task the program as regards processing and popularization of “Arkhiv Kurinnyi” – the collection of historical materials recently returned from abroad which numbers several thousand slides in the form of photographic negatives on the glass and includes photos of a lot of destroyed and lost today historical and cultural memorials of Ukraine.
On the 28th of February, 2005, the first Resource Center in Ukraine was opened on prevention of tuberculosis among children of Ukraine, established on the basis of the Public Movement “The Ukrainians against Tuberculosis” Foundation and the child department of the Institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology named after F.G. Yanovsky.
The principal objective of the Resource center is accumulation of information resources, promotion of distribution of educational resources and joining of efforts of interested public institutions, associations of citizens and organizations on fighting against tuberculosis epidemic in Ukraine.
The activity of the Center is organized according to the following directions:
performance of information-educational activity in the region within the framework of the All-Ukrainian Program “The Ukrainians against tuberculosis”;
Lobbying of the program of tuberculosis prophylaxis and tuberculosis-HIV/AIDS coinfection on the regional level;
Information-training work with representatives of regional mass media;
Development of productive dialogue and partner relations with various segments of society (state structures, public organizations, mass media, risk groups of the population as regards tuberculosis and tuberculosis-HIV/AIDS coinfection, and etc);
Organization of monitoring of information-educational activities’ results;
Promotion of professional development in phthisiology of doctors of general medical profile;
and etc.
For the purpose of joining and coordination of efforts of public organizations on overcoming tuberculosis epidemic in Ukraine the Public Movement “The Ukrainians against Tuberculosis” Foundation was the initiator of establishment of the international coalition of organizations “Let’s stop TB together!”. About the establishment of coalition it was announced at the working meeting of public organizations responsible for health protection issues, on the 10th of September, 2006.
On the 22nd of February, 2006, for the purpose of development of a uniform strategy of activities of the Parliament, Government and community in tuberculosis epidemic control in Ukraine and achievement of a more transparent, effective and resultant character of this collaboration in the premises of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine the Foundation held a round table on the topic: “Joining of efforts of the Parliament, Government and community in development of a joint strategy of tuberculosis overcoming in Ukraine”. In the course of the round table the strategy of interaction of the Parliament, Government and community in the sphere of tuberculosis epidemic overcoming in conditions of reformation of the political system of Ukraine, the concept of state goal-oriented program on tuberculosis epidemic overcoming in Ukraine, the principles of its construction and principal directions, questions of optimization of the management structure and coordination of actions on fighting against tuberculosis epidemic in the state, increase of effectiveness of the public control.
On the 14th of July, 2006, in the city of Kyiv in the premises of the Ecclesiastical Academy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchy in the Saint Mykhailo Cathedral the Public Movement “The Ukrainians against Tuberculosis” Foundation organized and held a working meeting of representatives of the governmental authorities, local government, experts in phthisiology, religious and public figures on the topic “Joining of efforts of the state, churches and community in solving of social and moral problems of tuberculosis overcoming and other socially dangerous diseases in Ukraine”. At the meeting the current state of the tuberculosis epidemic and other socially dangerous diseases in the country and the tasks as regards interaction of the state, churches and community in solving of social and moral problems of its overcoming, development of the bases for collaboration of the state, community, religious confessions in tuberculosis danger control were discussed.
Also, the Foundation started the cycle of trainings with medical workers of the primary level on increase of effectiveness of tuberculosis and tuberculosis-HIV/AIDS coinfection diagnostics. The first trainings were delivered on the 29th of July and the 5th of August, 2006, in the small hall of the collegium of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Before the participants of the trainings spoke the First Deputy Minister of Health of Ukraine Serhiy Petrovych Berezhnov, acting as the Director of the Institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology named after F.G. Yanovsky of AMS of Ukraine Professor, Doctor of Medicine Vasyl Mykhailovych Melnyk, experts of the Foundation on the issues of trainings delivery, the administration of the International Coalition of the organizations “Let’s Stop TB Together!”.
On the 22nd of March, 2007, in the city of Kyiv within the framework of the Month “Ukraine without Tuberculosis!” The Foundation organized and held activities dedicated to the All-Ukrainian day of fighting against tuberculosis. In particular, the citizens of Kyiv were examined by means of small-dose movable X-ray equipment, information-instructive activities on the topic, the contest of creative works among the children and youth on the topic: “For healthy life-style free from tuberculosis!”, the contest of compositions, verses dedicated to the healthy life-style, the contest of slogans in the forms with styling, the best slogans at schools, the photo contest “I choose healthy life-style”. Rewarding of the contests’ winners.
April-July of 2007 – facilitation of the process of preparation of the Proposal of Ukraine to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to obtain funding for the program “Overcoming Tuberculosis Epidemic in Ukraine”.
Board of the Public Movement “The Ukrainians against Tuberculosis” Foundation