Work of the facilitating group
for preparation of the Proposal of Ukraine to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to obtain funding for the program “Overcoming Tuberculosis Epidemic in Ukraine”
April-July of 2007
The work is done with the assistance of the International Renaissance Foundation
According to the decision taken at the meeting of the stakeholders on preparation of the Proposal of Ukraine to fight tuberculosis for the 7th Call of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria dated the 12th of April, 2007, the Public Movement “The Ukrainians against Tuberculosis” Foundation was determined to bear responsibility for facilitation of the Proposal (The Minutes dated 12.04.2007).
The Working Group Membership:
Rudenko Vitaliy – Head, Project Coordinator;
Horbasenko Ihor – Deputy Project Coordinator;
Bulyshchenko Andriy – Assistant of Project Coordinator;
Hurzheyeva Nataliya – Administrative Assistant/Logistician;
Barzashvili Heorhiy – Administrative Assistant/Logistician;
12-27 of April, 2007
Preparation and holding of meetings of the Group on Development of Procedures for preparation and submission of the Proposal of Ukraine to the GF:
1. Approval of the membership of the Working Group on Development of Procedures for preparation and submission of the Proposal of Ukraine to the GF (GDP) and development of the draft strategy of preparation of the Proposal of Ukraine to the GF;
2. Preparation of the nominal list of the Working Group members for approval by the MOH corresponding order;
3. Preparation of proposals as regards the Working Group regulations;
4. Proposals to the draft procedural documents were prepared:
* the strategy of preparation of the Proposal of Ukraine to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to obtain funding for the program “Overcoming Tuberculosis Epidemic in Ukraine”;
* Announcement about the submission of proposals for development of the Proposal of Ukraine to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to obtain funding for the program “Overcoming Tuberculosis Epidemic in Ukraine”;
* Procedure of submission of proposals for development of the Proposal of Ukraine to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to obtain funding for the pr ogram “Overcoming Tuberculosis Epidemic in Ukraine”;
* Terms of Reference for the nomination of the Principal Recipient (-s) of the Grant of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria;
* Terms of Reference for the Technical Review Panel (TRP) on the development of procedures supporting the preparation of the Proposal of Ukraine to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to obtain funding for the program “Overcoming Tuberculosis Epidemic in Ukraine”;
* Terms of Reference for the Proposal Development Group of the draft of the consolidated Proposal of Ukraine to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to obtain funding for the program “Overcoming Tuberculosis Epidemic in Ukraine”.
5. Facilitation of the Working Group meetings where the following issues were considered:
– powers, purpose and tasks of the Working Group activity;
– nomination of the Head and the Executive Secretary of the Working Group;
– Familiarisation of the Working Group members with the information about the situation as regards submission of the Proposal of Ukraine to the Global Fund;
– discussion of the Regulations of the Working Group operation;
– Development by the Working Group members of the Draft Strategy of the Proposal preparation;
– development of the draft procedures.
6. Taking of minutes of the PDG meetings.
7. Coordination of draft minutes of the PDG meetings with the PDG members.
8. Coordination of the final variants of the draft procedures with the PDG members.
Preparation and holding of the meeting of the Stakeholders on discussion of the national strategy of the Proposal to the Global Fund for the 7th Call:
1. Facilitation of the meeting of the stakeholders where the following decisions were taken:
– considering the principles of the STOP-TB strategy, the priorities of financing of the activities on tuberculosis epidemic control, proposed by the WHO Bureau at the meeting of the stakeholders dated 22.03.2007 in the National Committee of the red Cross Society of Ukraine, as well as proposals of the participants of the meeting, to complete the priorities of financing of the activities on tuberculosis epidemic control and vulnerable groups included in the Proposal, and send them to the stakeholders for final approval.
– final variant of the priorities of financing and vulnerable groups to be included into the drafts: of the Strategy of the Proposal of Ukraine to obtain the GFATM Grant on the component of “Tuberculosis”, the Strategy of preparation of the Proposal of Ukraine to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to obtain funding for the program “Overcoming Tuberculosis Epidemic in Ukraine”, announcement as regards reception of the Proposal and candidatures of the Principal Recipient and the Procedure of submission of proposals to the Proposal of Ukraine to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to obtain funding for the program “Overcoming Tuberculosis Epidemic in Ukraine”.
2. Taking of minutes of the meeting of the stakeholders.
3. The stakeholders were sent the draft minutes of the meeting for approval.
4. Amendments and commentaries of the stakeholders are included in the minutes of the meeting and the final variant is sent.
5. Draft resolutions to the priorities of financing of the activities on tuberculosis epidemic control and vulnerable groups included in the Proposal, are prepared and sent to the stakeholders for approval.
6. Draft of the final variant to the priorities of financing of the activities on tuberculosis epidemic control and vulnerable groups included in the Proposal, is prepared and sent to the stakeholders for approval.
7. The final variant of the priorities of financing and vulnerable groups to the draft procedural documents is included and sent to the stakeholders for approval.
8. Amendments and commentaries of the stakeholders are processed and included into the draft procedural documents and sent to the stakeholders.
Participation in preparation and holding of the meeting of the National Coordination Council on HIV-infection/AIDS Spread Prevention:
1. Final variants of the draft procedures are sent to the NCCU members.
2. The following decisions were taken at the NCCU meeting:
* to approve the Strategy of the Proposal of Ukraine to obtain the GFATM Grant on the component of “tuberculosis”;
* to approve the procedures on development and submission of the Proposal:
a) The Strategy of the Proposal preparation;
b) Terms of Reference for the Technical Review Panel supporting the preparation of the Proposal;
c) Terms of Reference for nomination of the GF Grant Principal Recipient (-s);
d) Procedure of proposals submission for preparation of the Proposal;
e) Text of the announcement for preparation of the Proposal;
f) Terms of Reference for the Project Development Group of the Proposal.
* to determine the targets of obtainment of the Universal access to HIV/AIDS prophylaxis, treatment, care and support in Ukraine;
* to hold the following meeting of the NCCU on the 22nd of May, 2007.
April 30 – May 17, 2007
Placement in Mass Media and Sending to the Stakeholders of the Announcement about the Reception of Proposals to Be Included into the Proposal and the Contest for nomination of the Principal Recipient of the GF Grant.
Work as the Technical Review Panel (TRP) Secretariat:
* reception and registration of applications to the Proposal;
* reception and registration for nomination of the Principal Recipient;
* translation of the draft procedures on submission of the Proposal.
Submission and holding of the Technical Review Panel meetings:
1. Draft agendas of the TRP meeting are approved.
2. The TRP members and observers are invited to the meeting.
3. Draft agendas, draft procedures and other drafts considered at the meeting are distributed.
4. Facilitation of the TRP meetings, where such questions were considered:
– election of the Chairperson and his/her Deputy;
– approval of the membership of the TRP Secretariat;
– development of the system of evaluation of applications for nomination of the PR (-s);
– definition of the Conflict of Interests Policy;
– review of the proposals to be included into the Proposal of Ukraine to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria;
– review of the applications for nomination the PR of the Grant of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
– development of the draft analytical report of the TRP on the results of the consideration of proposals to be included into the Proposal;
– development of the draft analytical report of the TRP on the results of the examination of applications for nomination of the PR (-s);
5. Taking of minutes of the TRP meetings.
Participation in the consultative meeting with the World Health Organization experts on the questions of the TRP activity supporting the preparation of the Proposal of Ukraine to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to obtain funding for the program “Overcoming Tuberculosis Epidemic in Ukraine”
May 18 – May 25, 2007
Preparation and Holding of the Stakeholders Meeting on Discussion of Priorities and strategic directions of the Draft Proposal in accordance with the Strategy of the Proposal of Ukraine to the Global Fund on the Seventh Call Approved by the NCCU dated 28.04.2007:
1. Facilitation of the stakeholders meeting where such decisions were approved:
– submission at the NCC meeting by Miskinis K., the director of the WHO Bureau to Fight Tuberculosis in Ukraine, of the additional information on the Strategy of the Proposal;
– validation and submission at the NCC meeting by Professor Cherinko S., the leading research worker of the Phthisiology and Pulmonology Institute, of the corresponding statistics as regards the determined vulnerable groups;
– making a request to Professor Kekhanashvili H. for facilitation of the work of the PDG.
2. Taking of minutes of the stakeholders meetings.
3. The stakeholders receive the draft minutes of the meeting for their approval.
4. Amendments and commentaries of the stakeholders are included in the minutes of the meeting and the final variant is sent.
5. The appeal to the WHO and Professor Kekhanashvili with the request to facilitate the PDG work is prepared and sent.
Participation in the Preparation and Holding of the Meeting of the National Coordination Council on HIV-infection/AIDS Spread Prevention (the materials are enclosed):
1. The nominal list of the members of the Commission of Appeal is approved based on the results of the PR (-s) nomination and distributed among the NCCU and the stakeholders.
2. The nominal list of the members of the Proposal Development Group (PDG) is prepared and distributed among the NCCU and the stakeholders.
3. The analytical report of the TRP based on the results of consideration of proposals to the Proposal and the analytical report of the TRP based on the results of consideration of proposals for nomination of the PR (-s) are distributed.
4. At the NCCU meeting it was approved:
– establishment of the Commission of Appeal based on the results of the PR (-s) nomination;
– the list of the Proposals to be included to the Draft Proposal, according to the analytical report of the TRP based on the results of consideration of proposals to the Proposal;
– approval of the personal membership of the PDG.
5. Estimator matrix of the evaluation of proposals to be included into the Proposal is developed and completed according to the recommendations of the TRP members.
6. Estimator matrix of the evaluation of proposals for nomination of the PR (-s) is developed and completed according to the recommendations of the TRP members.
Preparation and Holding of the Stakeholders Meeting on the Discussion of Priorities and Strategic Directions of the Draft Proposal in Accordance with the Strategy of the Proposal of Ukraine to the GF for the 7th Call Approved by the NCCU 28.04.2007:
1. Facilitation of the meeting of the stakeholders, were the following decisions were approved:
– to engage the representatives of the competent structures and organizations in determination of the specific indices that will be used by the Proposal Development Group;
– after approval of the NCC decision for nomination of the PR (-s) and final membership of the Proposal Development Group, to determine the directions for further work;
– to develop sub-indices on the target groups;
– to make arrangements as regards the joint meeting of the stakeholders and the PDG.
2. Taking of minutes of the stakeholders meetings.
3. The stakeholders receive the draft minutes of the meeting for their approval
4. Amendments and commentaries of the stakeholders are included in the minutes of the meeting and the final variant is sent.
5. The appeal to Saldan V., adviser of the UNAIDS on Monitoring and Evaluation, who facilitated the writing of the Proposal for the 6th Call, with the request to make a report on «The Strategic Tasks of Preparation of the Proposal to the GF for the 6th Call».
6. Presentation of the application form of the Proposal to the GF for the 7th Call is prepared.
The meeting of the stakeholders on discussion of the Draft Proposal of Ukraine to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to obtain funding for the program “Overcoming Tuberculosis Epidemic in Ukraine” took place in the conference hall of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, on the 15th of June, 2007.
The information of the heads of the working groups concerning the preparation of the corresponding sections of the Proposal was presented at the meeting.
The heads of the working groups introduced the presentations of the corresponding sections of the Proposal.
On 26 July 2007, a meeting of the National Coordination Council on HIV/AIDS Prevention took place at the Ministry of Health of Ukraine building, where Ukraines Proposal to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria as to obtaining funding for the Overcoming Tuberculosis Epidemic in Ukraine programme was considered and approved .
On 3 July 2007, Ukraines Proposal as to obtaining funding for the Overcoming Tuberculosis Epidemic in Ukraine programme was sent to the Global Fund .